Strategic Planner

Does your company wish to hire the services of a strategic planner?

Faced with the shortage of qualified profiles of this type in French-speaking Switzerland, entrust UNE® Agency with the task of selecting for you a panel of Swiss or European candidates capable of carrying out this delicate mission for you.

The mission of the strategic planner is to carry out strategic marketing analyses before setting up advertising campaigns. He/she must observe and investigate the targeted targets and perceive the essential elements of the brand in order to position it coherently with the product strategy and consumer expectations. The strategic planner synthesizes all the information to define the brand strategy. He is therefore in charge of providing a line to follow and relevant information to his colleagues in charge of generating advertising. He carries out marketing surveys, consumer insights, interviews, and others.

As a readable relay for the consumer within the company, he is abundantly curious, which feeds his creation, has excellent interpersonal skills, is creative and keeps a watchful eye on strategic trends. Endowed with a vast general culture, he stands out for his high level of vision and the consistency of his advice. Reporting to the head of strategic planning, he works with the client director, media planners, social media manager and community management.

On the training side, the strategic planner may have a university degree in communication, marketing or advertising. Previous experience as a creative (writing, art direction, digital communication, etc.) or client manager may lead to this position.

How do you find a strategic planner today who meets all the criteria you have defined?

The UNE® Agency offers you to be partners in the search for the rare pearl! Our expertise in recruitment in the fields of communication and marketing in the digital world allows us to have a portfolio of qualified candidates to fill such a position.

What are the qualities of a good Strategic Planner?

The first quality a Strategic Planner must have is creativity. This professional must constantly renew his ideas in order to make unique proposals. Curiosity is also essential to draw a sudden inspiration for example. Moreover, since they work with other professionals, they must have a sense of teamwork. In the same line, a very good interpersonal skills is useful. Apart from that, a Strategic Planner must be at ease with data in order to carry out his analysis and synthesis work with serenity. And finally, being a good speaker is important to be able to present the work effectively. 

What is the role of a Strategic Planner?

In the majority of cases, the Strategic Planner handles several budgets and steers the client's strategy. His intervention is essentially on the creative part, at the end of which he draws up a "creative brief". The latter refers to the formalization of needs and expectations in the form of a strategic recommendation. The objective is to enable the teams to respond to the initial request. Apart from this, this expert has an observer role on communication trends and the market as a whole. In addition, research plays an important role in this profession. The Strategic Planner must, in fact, carry out competitive benchmarks, behavioral studies, audience analysis...

What is the profile of a Strategic Planner?

To access this job, a Bachelor's degree in Marketing and Communication is ideal. This training allows learning how to produce quality content that meets a digital strategy. It also allows you to efficiently write a creative brief. Some companies or agencies only recruit candidates with a master's degree. This allows them to specialize and deepen their theoretical and practical knowledge. Otherwise, other diplomas may be required, such as a postgraduate degree in communication, commerce or business management. If it is for the position of Director of Strategic Planning, candidates must have 5 to 10 years of experience in customer or artistic direction. 

Why recruit a Strategic Planner?

To understand the importance of a Strategic Planner in a project, one should note that this professional is the third eye of the advertising team. His strategic analyses are therefore indispensable. It is also important to know that the digitalization of the brand as well as new corporate strategies put this expert at the heart of the agency or company. He brings complementary skills and added value to the project. He allows companies to more precisely define the stakes between brand and customer relationship. It should be emphasized that a company's strategy is based on customer loyalty and the relationship that the customer has with a brand. 



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