Community Manager

Does your company plan to hire a community manager to manage its communication on social networks?

UNE® offers you to find him in its sample of highly qualified profiles. Our expertise in recruitment in the digital world allows us to identify valuable candidates, both Swiss and European.

Born from the emergence of social media and webmarketing, the job of community manager consists mainly in creating and animating communities in order to develop relationships with the different audiences of the company, whether they are its customers, prospects, users, suppliers, employees... He is in charge of developing the strategy of the company's presence on social media, in order to meet objectives. To talk and make people talk about the company, its services and products on the web: he intervenes on the creation and implementation of content, interaction with each community, and sets up a permanent information watch. It also analyzes the impact of publishing content in the various communication channels on brand awareness and sales. 

The essential tools for the community manager are blogs, forums and social networks for dialogue with Internet users. They must therefore master a whole range of social media, starting with the most widely used on the web such as Facebook, Twitter, LinkedIn, Instagram. He must be an expert in community management and forum moderation, be reactive and creative.

The community manager has essential qualities in marketing, content writing and human relations. They work in a team, and interact with customer service, sales, marketing and communication departments. This job has a very wide range of actions, and is constantly evolving, and requires being at the forefront of software developments. Although there is no official community manager diploma, more and more schools are training for this new web job. 

How can you satisfy your need for a community manager without making a mistake about the person? The UNE® Agency's experience and pool of talent is precisely there to avoid disappointing recruitment. The drastic pre-selection of high-potential candidates and the fine analysis of your environment allows us to offer you ad hoc profiles.

What is the profile of a Community Manager?

The Community Manager is one of those jobs born with the advent of the Internet. This profession is looking for a very specific profile. Although accessible with a bachelor's degree, the community manager should ideally have a master's degree or more, with a specialization in the digital community. In addition to his or her certifications, this professional must be a great fan of the web, webmarketing, but also social networks. It is imperative that he is always on the lookout for the latest trends on the web. In addition, any self-respecting community manager must master the techniques related to his job and the management of e-reputation. It is also essential that he knows all the Ads functionalities.

What is the role of a Community Manager?

Being the representative of the company on the web, the Community Manager's main function is to federate and manage the community of Internet users. He must promote the image of the brand, the product or the service through social networks. He develops interactions with potential consumers, prospects and fans. It engages in discussions with them and invites them to take part in various contests. In addition, the Community Manager must also write editorial content, on blogs and social networks. By using strategic keywords, he will favorably optimize your natural referencing.

What are the qualities of a good Community Manager?

A good Community Manager must have a strong sense of organization. He or she must be able to juggle an ongoing file with an urgent request without losing his or her cool. In addition, they must be good listeners. This will enable him to get to know his community better and to identify his competitors. Of course, this professional must also know how to moderate. It is essential that he knows how to respond positively to comments. For a most dynamic discussion, he can use gifs, emojis or videos. Finally, a good Community Manager must be able to adapt to a constantly changing environment.

Why recruit a Community Manager?

At first glance, managing social networks seems to be a mission within everyone's reach. This is not at all the case. In order to define a relevant social media strategy, it is advisable to seek the services of an experienced Community Manager. You should know that this professional is a particularly interesting profile for a company. In fact, any company that wants to ensure a good presence on the net inevitably calls upon this web expert. In addition to saving you time, this professional monitors your e-reputation for you. On social networks, Internet users often express their opinions and their favorites. Keeping an eye on them allows you to identify your company's strengths and weaknesses, thanks to the Community Manager.



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