The PHP programming language is still widely used in the web development industry. The PHP developer is a specialist in object-oriented programming and is in charge of developing dynamic websites in PHP. Depending on the project, he can develop without a framework, with an open source framework such as Symfony or Zend, or with a proprietary framework. He can also work on projects based on CMS such as WordPress or Drupal, developed in PHP, and be in charge of the realization of plugins or modules.
Working under the aegis of the web project manager, he has to be able to make proposals on the technical solution, respect the specifications, be flexible in his relations with the designers while showing a great rigor in the generation of a clean and scalable code. Following the deployment, he knows how to intervene in application and corrective maintenance, and to facilitate this task, will have taken care to document his code well.
Ultra sharp in PHP, the knowledge of a framework is nowadays essential to work in project mode, and to build durable and scalable solutions. It is of course useful to know HTML, MySQL or Oracle databases as well as JavaScript and especially Ajax to manage interactions.
Coming from higher education in computer science, the PHP developer has generally followed a course in University, engineering school or computer science school to acquire strong skills in the development of Web/PHP applications respecting the MVC architecture.
Looking for the ideal PHP developer candidate in French-speaking Switzerland seems difficult? A partnership with UNE® will make it easier for you. Our expertise in recruiting advanced candidates in new technologies will allow you to find the serious, experienced and motivated expert to join your company.