ASP Developer

Are you looking for an ASP developer for your company? UNE is an agency that selects the best candidates in their field. Make your life easier!

The ASP developer is a web developer. ASP literally means Active Server Pages, i.e. the active pages of a web server. In the IT sector, there are several jobs. The ASP web developer is one of them.

The mission of the web developer is to take care of the realization, as well as the computer development of the websites he manages. He works, most of the time, in a web agency, or in the IT department of a company. His role is divided into several missions such as the analysis of the specifications of a product, which will have been given to him by the web project manager. These specifications must be respected to the letter since it relates all the needs expressed by the customer. Then, once the analysis of the specifications has been carried out, the ASP developer will propose an optimal technical solution adapted to the customer's needs.

Websites have no secrets for him. Indeed, he is in charge of their development. He will moreover carry out tests in order to validate the website in question.

However, his mission does not stop there. The ASP developer can also, at the request of the final customer, take care of the maintenance of the website in case of a bug.

The ASP MVC developer must possess a number of skills, the majority of which are web-related. Indeed, the programming language of web software (PHP, Java, SQL server, and of course ASP) is an indispensable thing that the web developer must know. He must be able to identify the best technical solution for each project, or website. The mastery of CMS (Content Management System, like Wordpress for example), and of the framework, are also skills required to work as a web developer. It requires, of course, a good listening and management skills, in order to offer the best for the client. He may also be required to work with a fullstack developer.

In terms of training, the ASP developer must follow a university course, an engineering school, or a computer science school. From Bac +2 to Bac +5, the web developer can also follow a training in computer science in addition to his studies.

UNE therefore takes care of the recruitment process of your future asp developer. A careful selection will be made according to all the criteria that we will have defined together. Thank you for trusting UNE.

What is the profile of an ASP developer?

An ASP developer and in principle a graduate in computer science with an essential mastery of the C# language.

As the knowledge of HTML, SQL and CSS is the basis of web development it is also essential to know them. It is also possible to learn the JavaScript language and to dig into the angular and react frameworks, recommended in open-source.

Because within the framework of web projects, knowledge of ASP is mandatory if the developer works at the application level like C# Winform or WPF. 

 Moreover, a good understanding of JS, HTML/CSS and databases is a plus for ASP developers. 

What are the qualities of an ASP developer?

In order to create applications, an ASP Developer must be familiar with the NET environment. Knowledge and use of the Visual Studio development tool is an asset, whether Web, mobile, Windows or other. In the web environment, additional knowledge in JavaScript, CSS, HTML and databases are often required for this type of function.

In addition, an ASP developer must also master the framework and the Model-View-Control (MVC) design pattern and computer languages such as. C, C++, python (via an add on) and Visual basic. He must master them to be a qualified and competent developer.

What are the roles of an ASP developer?

The job of an ASP developer combines understanding and technicality, he must be an engineer in his work.

ASP is useful for the developer to design applications using the development tool Visual studio. The mission of an ASP developer is to keep the existing code and program new applications or functionalities with the technology, to contribute to the design as well as the structure of the software, to study customer requirements by testing and debugging the applications.

Once development is complete, he or she tests and deploys the product with the customer to ensure that the application is working properly. 

Why recruit an ASP developer?

An ASP Developer contributes in the framework of creative and mobilizing project in the IT department for example: web applications such as (Internet, Intranet, Extranet) or mobility equipment such as (tablets, decisional computing, etc.... ) and also in the field of Marketing and commercial systems. For the creation of innovative applications, their testing and implementation, the ASP developer is always called upon.

Furthermore, an ASP developer is one of the fundamental pillars of a company's growth and development, not to mention the fact that it also contributes to the expansion of the customer portfolio and the increase in turnover.



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