The copywriter is a key job in the design and communication of a new product. He acts as a creator and writer within a team and his role is to come up with ideas for slogans, to use words to define striking formulas that will be able to make an impression on consumers' minds. Creative and inquisitive, the designer/writer is skilled in language and knows how to find effective catchphrases, advertising and marketing scenarios and formulas that will hit the bull's eye in no time. He uses humour and psychology to ensure that buyers will retain his message.
The copywriter is also able to analyze the world in which he or she lives. He knows people's habits, motivations and desires, the mechanisms of society, which makes him able to anticipate what the needs of future buyers will be and to adapt the creation of his speech according to the medium, for example for the web.
A copywriting designer most often works in a communication agency with an art director, but may also receive assignments from a company's sales department to prepare an advertising campaign. He is capable of writing, creating, sensing and imagining. Defining a product, promoting it and making people remember it are his main objectives.
His message must therefore be clear, his words effective, to make an impression. The copywriter often has several years of training in communications and marketing, strong writing skills, and experience in advertising and the web.
If you are considering a collaboration with a copywriter, UNE® will be your partner to liaise between you and the qualified professionals in its repertoire.